Thursday, August 27, 2009

Bag Lady

We've all heard about the "good ole faithful," it describes any possession that's been our go to for ages. Whether it's the ratty pair of sweats, dilapidated slippers or frayed sweater; we hold on never dreaming of throwing it away.

Oftentimes we treat our mental and emotional scars in the same manner. Regardless of how good our present lives may be we drift back to days long gone, reflecting on our hurts and shortcomings. We allow them to play on our psyche, thus inadvertently causing grief. The result; lack of trust, self doubt, emotional detachment and the list goes on. Nothing good comes out of carrying around luggage from the past. In a nutshell it stifles your growth; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. We cannot move on if we're constantly referencing what happened back when. Just because the relationship with Bill didn't work out doesn't mean the same will happen with Bob. Just because a friend betrayed us doesn't mean that we should never open ourselves up to friendship again. You get the point.

We've been bumped, bruised and knocked down at times...but we get up. It's not easy but it is essential to the development of our character. It boils down to this...Life chapter 7 will not begin favorably if we don't get pass chapter 5. We can't change the past but we can change our reaction to it. Stop letting old things crowd your closet...throw away the slippers, sweats and sweaters and decide to pack light!

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